Lifestyle tips

I want to be fat, but i dont want to be fat...

Being 450lbs, certain things i am having a really hard time with... Standing up from sitting, walking more than a few hundred feet, i cant reach myself to shave or even masturbate anymore, and i understand why- what i dont get, is why it hurts so damn much. I am literally in pain no matter what i do. Every muscle and joint in my body hates me,

I love how much my boobs have grown lately, i love how all the extra padding on my body feels all the time, i love food and i love the idea of being fatter, but its killing me, literally and figuratively, and then the next problem- i cant afford it...

I feel like losing weight is impossible now, but i also feel like gaining anymore will be signing an early death warrant....

What do i do?
1 year

I want to be fat, but i dont want to be fat...

Being 450lbs, certain things i am having a really hard time with... Standing up from sitting, walking more than a few hundred feet, i cant reach myself to shave or even masturbate anymore, and i understand why- what i dont get, is why it hurts so damn much. I am literally in pain no matter what i do. Every muscle and joint in my body hates me,

I love how much my boobs have grown lately, i love how all the extra padding on my body feels all the time, i love food and i love the idea of being fatter, but its killing me, literally and figuratively, and then the next problem- i cant afford it...

I feel like losing weight is impossible now, but i also feel like gaining anymore will be signing an early death warrant....

What do i do?

My advice is to do things to improve your health. Don't focus so much on weight loss (even though that will probably happen to some extent).

Eat less processed food. If you know how to cook, learn some delicious but healthy recipies. Hop into a pool and do some water based exercises. Make sure you have a support network too.

It's not impossible to lose weight. Heck, you don't even need to become slim and trim. Just get to a point where your body can handle the weight. You can do at least that much.
1 year

I want to be fat, but i dont want to be fat...

But then i still have this small issue of wanting to just let go and balloon out- i dont want to be immobile, but i want to be huge- i want to eat what i want, when i want. I want to never have to feel hungry, which is my next issue- i can eat and eat until i can barely breath, but i dont feel full- i learned a long time ago how to tell if i was full or not, but that feeling of satiety is non existent for me- its a constant struggle to not overeat at every meal- and i hate seeing food go to waste- and so i find myself finishing my plate, and then my wifes, or whatever is left in the pan before i realize im overeating again.
Then i struggle to stand up to go lay down because im so full and i hate myself for being so heavy. Then i make to my bed, where i get undressed, and i see and feel my huge body as i lay down and get comfortable, and suddenly im back to wanting to be huge again. Bottom line- im a mess. Maybe i should try hypnosis...
1 year

I want to be fat, but i dont want to be fat...

But then i still have this small issue of wanting to just let go and balloon out- i dont want to be immobile, but i want to be huge- i want to eat what i want, when i want. I want to never have to feel hungry, which is my next issue- i can eat and eat until i can barely breath, but i dont feel full- i learned a long time ago how to tell if i was full or not, but that feeling of satiety is non existent for me- its a constant struggle to not overeat at every meal- and i hate seeing food go to waste- and so i find myself finishing my plate, and then my wifes, or whatever is left in the pan before i realize im overeating again.
Then i struggle to stand up to go lay down because im so full and i hate myself for being so heavy. Then i make to my bed, where i get undressed, and i see and feel my huge body as i lay down and get comfortable, and suddenly im back to wanting to be huge again. Bottom line- im a mess. Maybe i should try hypnosis...

Therapy in general may be helpful. At the very least self-reflection is needed. Ideally, feedism should feel like freedom. It shouldn't feel like misery. Find out why you feel compelled to stuff yourself so much. Once you figure out the root of your problem, it's easier to deal with things.
1 year

I want to be fat, but i dont want to be fat...

Yeah ive been considering exactly that. Its definitely a situation where i dont get to have my cake and eat it too... Mmmm cake ..... 🙄
1 year

I want to be fat, but i dont want to be fat...

I am in the same boat being fat is awesome but sucks too I want to be a smaller person but when it comes to being turned on I love being told how fat I am and being grabbed by my fat
1 year

I want to be fat, but i dont want to be fat...

In many cases, gaining weight is a choice, but remaining fat is not. Once you're fat, eating less will slow your metabolism and cause you to gain, and eating more will cause a gain. You look nice at your current weight, but I can understand that being over 600 pounds is not always easy.
1 year

I want to be fat, but i dont want to be fat...

In many cases, gaining weight is a choice, but remaining fat is not. Once you're fat, eating less will slow your metabolism and cause you to gain, and eating more will cause a gain. You look nice at your current weight, but I can understand that being over 600 pounds is not always easy.

Losing weight isn't easy and in my experience what they say about the whole "fat cells don't go away only shrink" seems true. I have been losing pretty successfully for 2 or 3 years now but if I take a few days to chill, like vacation I start putting it back on and pretty quick.

This right here - I have actually got down to my lowest in a very long time and in really good shape aesthetically and physically with abs again for the first time in so many years. Well this was true about six months ago - I first realized I had gained in the last 3 mo this at a doctors bi- annual check up gaining 19 lbs. since the last visit. Just got back from a vacation with the wife where both of us clearly put on more weight and all of a sudden I have a gut sitting out on my lap and getting in the way of most everything g I do again - such a different feeling I have not had in a while. The wild thing is it triggered something in me again to start intentionally gaining again within the last week. I am not only stuffing my self but my wife seems to have noticed my big gut again and has been secretly filling my plate with massive amounts at breakfast, lunch & dinner. I intentionally gaining and she is secretly helping without out is discussing it. It is a crazy arousing situation for me.

Truth be told like above - or took forever to get in that kind of shape and only next to no time to ruin it and get a big gut again - after over eating for a while - o am already eating 2-3 times as much as I used to. All of a sudden my days are about consuming large mounts of food and being horny and fattened all the time.
1 year

I want to be fat, but i dont want to be fat...

In many cases, gaining weight is a choice, but remaining fat is not. Once you're fat, eating less will slow your metabolism and cause you to gain, and eating more will cause a gain. You look nice at your current weight, but I can understand that being over 600 pounds is not always easy.

Losing weight isn't easy and in my experience what they say about the whole "fat cells don't go away only shrink" seems true. I have been losing pretty successfully for 2 or 3 years now but if I take a few days to chill, like vacation I start putting it back on and pretty quick.

This right here - I have actually got down to my lowest in a very long time and in really good shape aesthetically and physically with abs again for the first time in so many years. Well this was true about six months ago - I first realized I had gained in the last 3 mo this at a doctors bi- annual check up gaining 19 lbs. since the last visit. Just got back from a vacation with the wife where both of us clearly put on more weight and all of a sudden I have a gut sitting out on my lap and getting in the way of most everything g I do again - such a different feeling I have not had in a while. The wild thing is it triggered something in me again to start intentionally gaining again within the last week. I am not only stuffing my self but my wife seems to have noticed my big gut again and has been secretly filling my plate with massive amounts at breakfast, lunch & dinner. I intentionally gaining and she is secretly helping without out is discussing it. It is a crazy arousing situation for me.

Truth be told like above - or took forever to get in that kind of shape and only next to no time to ruin it and get a big gut again - after over eating for a while - o am already eating 2-3 times as much as I used to. All of a sudden my days are about consuming large mounts of food and being horny and fattened all the time.

Yeah honestly Obesity is sort of a life long condition if they don't classify it as such because you are always om the edge of being obese again. I suspect that is why so many biggest loser contestants blew up again. Not that their eating habits were poor, but they probably were. But more that they still have all the fat and it just needed to be filled again.

That's not why. They regained everything because they didn't lose weight sustainably. The whole show is a nightmare. It's basically a torturous crash diet.

There are ways to lose weight and keep it off. But that takes time, resources, and support.

Yes, if you lose a ton of weight, you have to be careful avoiding the regains. But it's not like you have to go on a starvation diet of water and celery.
1 year